EU-høring om strategi for langtidsreduksjoner av klimautslipp

EU-høring om strategi for langtidsreduksjoner av klimautslipp

Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions

Norsk høringsinnspill publisert av Utenriksdepartementet 15.10.2018

Nærmere omtale

BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

The strategy reflects on a long-term vision for a modern European economy for all Europeans and the opportunities and challenges that a long-term decarbonisation implies.

Opening date: 17.07.2018
Closing date: 09.10.2018

Objective of the consultation

The consultation aims at:

• Collecting views and opinions on the technological and socio-economic pathways that should be explored for a long-term EU GHG emissions reduction strategy;

• Gathering factual information, data and knowledge about elements not covered by reporting exercises, including drivers and barriers, challenges and opportunities relevant to the long-term strategy.

The stakeholder consultation covers the type of transformations required, its level of ambition, key actions to achieve this transformation, including interactions with other ongoing transformations, the societal and economic challenges and opportunities, the role of the consumer, the need for investment and innovation. It will also address technical questions on the potential of some mitigation options.