Felles forskningsprogram om aktiv aldring (AAL JP)
Europaparlaments- og rådsbeslutning nr. 554/2014/EU av 15. mai 2014 om EUs deltakelse i "the Active and Assisted Living Development Programme" som er etablert i fellesskap av flere medlemsland
Decision No 554/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the participation of the Union in the Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme jointly undertaken by several Member States
Europaparlaments- og rådsbeslutning publisert i EU-tidende 07.06.2014
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsforslaget, engelsk utgave)
Objectives of the proposal
The objective of this proposal is the decision by Council and Parliament, on the basis of Article 185 of the TFEU, to provide the legal means for the participation by the European Union in the Active and Assisted Living Joint Programme undertaken by several Member States (AAL Programme).
The overall objectives of the AAL Programme are:
• Enhance the availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based products and services for active and healthy ageing, to improve the quality of life for elderly and their carers and help increase the sustainability of care systems;
• Maintain a critical mass of trans-European applied research, development and innovation for ICT based products and services for ageing well, in particular involving SMEs and users;
• Leverage private investments and improve conditions for industrial exploitation by providing a coherent framework for developing European approaches and solutions including common minimum standards that meets varying national and regional social preferences and regulatory aspects
Objectives of the proposal
The objective of this proposal is the decision by Council and Parliament, on the basis of Article 185 of the TFEU, to provide the legal means for the participation by the European Union in the Active and Assisted Living Joint Programme undertaken by several Member States (AAL Programme).
The overall objectives of the AAL Programme are:
• Enhance the availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based products and services for active and healthy ageing, to improve the quality of life for elderly and their carers and help increase the sustainability of care systems;
• Maintain a critical mass of trans-European applied research, development and innovation for ICT based products and services for ageing well, in particular involving SMEs and users;
• Leverage private investments and improve conditions for industrial exploitation by providing a coherent framework for developing European approaches and solutions including common minimum standards that meets varying national and regional social preferences and regulatory aspects