Felleseuropeisk program for støtte til forskningsutførende små og mellomstore bedrifter (Eurostars-2)
Europaparlaments- og rådsbeslutning nr. 553/2014/EU av 15. mai 2014 om deltakelse av EU i et forsknings- og utviklingprogram etablert av flere medlemsland for støtte til forskningsutførende små og mellomstore bedrifter
Decision No 553/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the participation of the Union in a Research and Development Programme jointly undertaken by several Member States aimed at supporting research and development performing small and medium-sized enterprises (Eurostars-2)
Europaparlaments- og rådsbeslutning publisert i EU-tidende 07.06.2014
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsforslaget, engelsk utgave)
Objectives of the proposal
This proposal concerns the participation of the European Union, on the basis of Article 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), in the Eurostars-2 Joint Programme (Eurostars-2) undertaken by several Member States as a follow-up to the Eurostars Joint Programme.
The overall objectives of the Eurostars-2 are:
• to promote market-oriented transnational research activities in any fields of research- performing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)1,2, especially those without previous experience in transnational research, leading to the placing of new or improved products, processes and services on the market;
• to contribute to the completion of the European Research Area (ERA) and to increase the accessibility, efficiency and efficacy of public funding for research-performing SMEs in Europe by aligning, harmonising and synchronising the national funding mechanisms.
The competitiveness of research-performing SMEs will be enhanced and will therefore actively contribute to European economic growth and job creation to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives.
Objectives of the proposal
This proposal concerns the participation of the European Union, on the basis of Article 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), in the Eurostars-2 Joint Programme (Eurostars-2) undertaken by several Member States as a follow-up to the Eurostars Joint Programme.
The overall objectives of the Eurostars-2 are:
• to promote market-oriented transnational research activities in any fields of research- performing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)1,2, especially those without previous experience in transnational research, leading to the placing of new or improved products, processes and services on the market;
• to contribute to the completion of the European Research Area (ERA) and to increase the accessibility, efficiency and efficacy of public funding for research-performing SMEs in Europe by aligning, harmonising and synchronising the national funding mechanisms.
The competitiveness of research-performing SMEs will be enhanced and will therefore actively contribute to European economic growth and job creation to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives.