Seks sektorer med stort innovasjonspotensiale for Europa
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Rådet, Europaparlamentet, Den økonomiske og sosial komite og Regionkomiteen: Et "lead market"-initiativ for Europa
Kommisjonen framhever i meddelelsen seks "lead markets" for Europa:
- eHealth
- protective textiles
- sustainable construction
- recycling
- bio-based products
- renewable energies
Bakgrunn (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse, engelsk utgave)
Developing an innovation-driven economy is crucial for competitiveness. The Commission’s broad based innovation strategy highlighted the necessity to use consistently and strategically tools and instruments in support of innovation, with a demand-driven approach. The report “Creating an Innovative Europe”, the EU 2006 Competitiveness report and stakeholder consultations also concurred that Europe must seek to develop innovation-friendly markets in a more targeted way, decisively facilitating the marketing of innovations.
The Competitiveness Council invited the Commission "to present during 2007 an initiative on lead markets, based on a broad stakeholder consultation for defining a valid approach for fostering emergence of markets with high economic and societal value. This would include identifying areas where concerted action through key policy instruments and framework conditions, coherent and coordinated policy making by relevant public authorities, as well as enhanced cooperation between key stakeholders can speed up market development, without interfering with competitive forces.”
In response, the present communication launches a lead market initiative (LMI). This identifies a first set of markets with potential to become LM. It calls for urgent and coordinated action through ambitious action plans for these markets, to rapidly bring visible advantage for Europe’s economy and consumers.
The annex II “Explanatory Paper on the European LM Approach: Methodology and Rationale” describes the consultation process of interested parties, the economic nature of LM and the overall potential for economic, social and environmental benefits that justify the policy efforts needed to launch and implement the LMI.
- eHealth
- protective textiles
- sustainable construction
- recycling
- bio-based products
- renewable energies
Bakgrunn (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse, engelsk utgave)
Developing an innovation-driven economy is crucial for competitiveness. The Commission’s broad based innovation strategy highlighted the necessity to use consistently and strategically tools and instruments in support of innovation, with a demand-driven approach. The report “Creating an Innovative Europe”, the EU 2006 Competitiveness report and stakeholder consultations also concurred that Europe must seek to develop innovation-friendly markets in a more targeted way, decisively facilitating the marketing of innovations.
The Competitiveness Council invited the Commission "to present during 2007 an initiative on lead markets, based on a broad stakeholder consultation for defining a valid approach for fostering emergence of markets with high economic and societal value. This would include identifying areas where concerted action through key policy instruments and framework conditions, coherent and coordinated policy making by relevant public authorities, as well as enhanced cooperation between key stakeholders can speed up market development, without interfering with competitive forces.”
In response, the present communication launches a lead market initiative (LMI). This identifies a first set of markets with potential to become LM. It calls for urgent and coordinated action through ambitious action plans for these markets, to rapidly bring visible advantage for Europe’s economy and consumers.
The annex II “Explanatory Paper on the European LM Approach: Methodology and Rationale” describes the consultation process of interested parties, the economic nature of LM and the overall potential for economic, social and environmental benefits that justify the policy efforts needed to launch and implement the LMI.