EU-høring om prisnivået for terminering i mobil- og fasttelefonnettet

EU-høring om prisnivået for terminering i mobil- og fasttelefonnettet

Evaluation of the Termination Rates Recommendation

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 15.3.2016


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 15.3.2016)

Have your say on termination rates: a key part of your phone bill
Today the Commission launched a public consultation on fixed and mobile termination rates. These rates are the costs that telecoms operators charge each other to deliver calls between networks. They are ultimately included in call prices for consumers and are therefore a key part of their phone bill. The results of the public consultation will help the Commission revise the2009 Termination Rates Recommendation. The objective of the Recommendation is to increase consistency across EU countries in the way national regulatory authorities set termination rates and reduce discrepancies between fixed and mobile termination charges. It therefore plays an important role in the Digital Single Market. The consultation is open until 7 June 2016. The questionnaire is available in English, French and German, but the answers can be submitted in any EU language.