Kjemikaliebyrået, 'Ett stoff, én vurdering', ekspertgruppe for (E3792)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Klima- og miljødepartementet
Miljø og klima

Om komiteen

Om komiteen: Expert Group on One Substance, One Assessment (E03792)


To cooperate with the Commission services, Member States and EU Agencies in the implementation of ‘one substance, one assessment’ approach by improving efficiency, effectiveness, coherence and transparency of the delivery of safety assessments of chemicals across legislation.


  • Assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts
  • Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives
  • Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views
  • Other (Support the implementation of the ‘one substance, one assessment’ approach. Facilitate the coordination and discussion of initiatives on safety assessments of chemicals across chemical legislation, with particular focus on substances and group of substances that are in the scope of several pieces of chemical legislation or initiatives)