Bruk av satellittnavigasjonssystemet Galileo til kritisk infrastruktur
(Under forberedelse) Kommisjonsforordning (EU) .../... om bruk av satellittnavigasjonssystemet Galileo til kritisk infrastruktur (telekommunikasjon, energi, finans)
(In preparation) Commission Regulation (EU) .../... on use of the Galileo satellite system for critical insfrastructure (telecoms, energuy, finance)
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 23.3.2020
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)
About this consultation
Feedback period: 23 March 2020 - 15 June 2020 (midnight Brussels time)
Target audience
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. The Commission seeks to gather input from a broad range of stakeholders including economic actors involved in the design, production and use of timing and synchronisation devices(components and device manufacturers, system integrators, telecom operators, transmission system operators for electricity, banks & stock exchanges). On the institutional and non-profit side, views are welcome from national and supra-national authorities, market surveillance authorities, European Standardisation Organisations; testing and certification bodies; academia and research institutions, environmental NGOs, consumer associations, trade unions, consumers and workers.
Why we are consulting
The public consultation aims at collecting information and offering stakeholders the opportunity to provide input in the preparation of this initiative. In addition to collecting views from all relevant stakeholders, the industry and service providers directly concerned by the initiative shall express their view on the value-added of the European GNSS systems with respect to the existing timing and synchronisation solutions in the different domains, and the actions proposed in the framework of this European initiative.
About this consultation
Feedback period: 23 March 2020 - 15 June 2020 (midnight Brussels time)
Target audience
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. The Commission seeks to gather input from a broad range of stakeholders including economic actors involved in the design, production and use of timing and synchronisation devices(components and device manufacturers, system integrators, telecom operators, transmission system operators for electricity, banks & stock exchanges). On the institutional and non-profit side, views are welcome from national and supra-national authorities, market surveillance authorities, European Standardisation Organisations; testing and certification bodies; academia and research institutions, environmental NGOs, consumer associations, trade unions, consumers and workers.
Why we are consulting
The public consultation aims at collecting information and offering stakeholders the opportunity to provide input in the preparation of this initiative. In addition to collecting views from all relevant stakeholders, the industry and service providers directly concerned by the initiative shall express their view on the value-added of the European GNSS systems with respect to the existing timing and synchronisation solutions in the different domains, and the actions proposed in the framework of this European initiative.