Harmoniserte informasjonstjenester for kanaltrafikk
Europaparlaments- og rådsdirektiv 2005/44/EF av 7. september 2005 om harmoniserte vannveisinformasjonstjenester (RIS) på innlands vannveier i Fellesskapet
Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community
Høring om planlagt revisjon av direktivet igangsatt av Kommisjonen 16.8.2022 med frist 22.11.2022
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens notat av 3.8.2021)
Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) sets an interoperability framework for digital information services to support traffic and transport management in the EU inland waterway transport (IWT) sector. The Directive defines the general obligation of Member States to ensure the development and implementation of these services in an efficient, expandable and interoperable way. It currently applies to 13 Member States that are part of the European interconnected network of waterways.
Since 2005, the Directive has been one of the main drivers of digitalisation in the IWT sector through the introduction of information and communication technologies. In 2021, an evaluation of the Directive found that a full harmonisation and interoperability of RIS has not been achieved yet. The found issues are presented in the next section. To address these shortcomings, a revision of Directive 2005/44/EC is considered.
Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) sets an interoperability framework for digital information services to support traffic and transport management in the EU inland waterway transport (IWT) sector. The Directive defines the general obligation of Member States to ensure the development and implementation of these services in an efficient, expandable and interoperable way. It currently applies to 13 Member States that are part of the European interconnected network of waterways.
Since 2005, the Directive has been one of the main drivers of digitalisation in the IWT sector through the introduction of information and communication technologies. In 2021, an evaluation of the Directive found that a full harmonisation and interoperability of RIS has not been achieved yet. The found issues are presented in the next section. To address these shortcomings, a revision of Directive 2005/44/EC is considered.