Asbestdirektivet: endringsbestemmelser om screening, registrering og overvåking
(Under forberedelse) Europaparlaments- og råds(fordning/direktiv) (EU) .../... om endring av direktiv 2009/148/EF asbestscreening, registrering og overvåking
(In preparation) (Directive/Regulation) (EU) .../... of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/148/EC as regards asbestos screening, registering and monitoring
Notat om planlagt lovforslag lagt fram av Kommisjonen 16.11.2022 med høringsfrist 8.2.2023
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens initiativ av 16.11.2022)
Asbestos screening, registering and monitoring
This legislative initiative aims to further address the health and environmental risks related to exposure to asbestos by increasing transparency and retrieving of additional information and ensuring its availability to relevant public authorities, construction workers and building occupants. The specific obligations will be modulated based on a crosscutting approach taking into account the life cycle of a building and risks relevant to a particular building.
Opfordring til indsendelse af dokumentation
Feedbackperiode: 16 november 2022 - 08 februar 2023
Opfordring til indsendelse af dokumentation vedrørende en konsekvensanalyse - Ares(2022)7902794
Offentlig høring
Høringsperiode: 16 november 2022 - 08 februar 2023
Asbestos screening, registering and monitoring
This legislative initiative aims to further address the health and environmental risks related to exposure to asbestos by increasing transparency and retrieving of additional information and ensuring its availability to relevant public authorities, construction workers and building occupants. The specific obligations will be modulated based on a crosscutting approach taking into account the life cycle of a building and risks relevant to a particular building.
Opfordring til indsendelse af dokumentation
Feedbackperiode: 16 november 2022 - 08 februar 2023
Opfordring til indsendelse af dokumentation vedrørende en konsekvensanalyse - Ares(2022)7902794
Offentlig høring
Høringsperiode: 16 november 2022 - 08 februar 2023