Retningslinjer for statsstøtte til bredbåndsnettverk (2023)
BAKGRUNN (fra EFTAs overvåkingsorgans pressemelding 8.2.2023)
The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has today adopted new guidelines for broadband networks applicable to the EEA EFTA states.
The new guidelines provide a framework and guidance that ESA will apply while assessing State aid measures taken by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway for deployment and take-up of broadband networks.
The new guidelines replace ESA’s previous guidelines on the matter and correspond to the European Commission’s revised Communication on State aid for broadband networks – the 2022 Broadband Guidelines, adopted on 12 December 2022.
The new Broadband Guidelines will, in particular:
- Align the threshold for public support to fixed networks with market and technology developments, enabling investments.
- Set a new assessment framework for evaluating mobile network deployments, including 5G.
- Simplify certain rules in order to facilitate the practical application of the Guidelines
- Clarify key concepts, such as mapping, public consultations, selection process, wholesale access price, and clawback mechanisms.
The guidelines will support the digital transition by reflecting regulatory, market and technological developments in the EEA.
The new Broadband Guidelines will take effect on 8 February 2023.
The guidelines and ESA’s decision adopting them are available here.