EUs langsiktige konkurranseevne (2023)
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. EUs langsiktige konkurranseevne: etter 2030
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030
Dansk departementsnotat offentliggjort 9.5.2023 (revidert)
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse 16.3.2023)
Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030
European businesses are engines of our society, creating employment, innovation and prosperity. Competitiveness and productivity are essential conditions for businesses to flourish; they have been at the heart of EU policy for decades.
In the face of recent successive crises, the EU has quickly put in place a common and coordinated response, demonstrating that our common strength is greater than the sum of all Member States’ efforts. The supply chains disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic and the spiralling energy prices after Russia’s weaponization of gas, have put the European model to the test. These challenges forced us to adjust well-proven economic and industrial policies to continue delivering prosperity and stability to our citizens and businesses and be a major player on a global scene. Yet, crisis management does not build a robust and future-proof economy that secures our prosperity and global leverage. Economic productivity cannot be built on the basis of reactive measures alone.
Now is the moment to focus on the longer-term competitiveness of the EU in an increasingly challenging geopolitical context. It is time to look beyond 2030, the year for which the majority of EU policy goals have been set.
This Communication aims to inform Leaders’ discussions on the long-term competitiveness and productivity of Europe's economy. European businesses have to decide on their investments for the future, in the face of uncertainties, supply constraints and not always fair competition.
The EU can build on its strengths and achieve more than merely trying to catch up and bridge the growth and innovation gap. A forward-looking, well-defined and coordinated EU framework will foster thriving businesses, able to compete on the global market, with attractive jobs and setting global standards. To set the EU economy on a sustainable growth path beyond 2030, the EU and its Member States need to actively ensure structural improvements, well focused investment and regulatory measures along the lines set out in this communication. The time is now to work differently, at a make or break moment for the EU’s long term competitiveness.
Long-term competitiveness of the EU: looking beyond 2030
European businesses are engines of our society, creating employment, innovation and prosperity. Competitiveness and productivity are essential conditions for businesses to flourish; they have been at the heart of EU policy for decades.
In the face of recent successive crises, the EU has quickly put in place a common and coordinated response, demonstrating that our common strength is greater than the sum of all Member States’ efforts. The supply chains disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic and the spiralling energy prices after Russia’s weaponization of gas, have put the European model to the test. These challenges forced us to adjust well-proven economic and industrial policies to continue delivering prosperity and stability to our citizens and businesses and be a major player on a global scene. Yet, crisis management does not build a robust and future-proof economy that secures our prosperity and global leverage. Economic productivity cannot be built on the basis of reactive measures alone.
Now is the moment to focus on the longer-term competitiveness of the EU in an increasingly challenging geopolitical context. It is time to look beyond 2030, the year for which the majority of EU policy goals have been set.
This Communication aims to inform Leaders’ discussions on the long-term competitiveness and productivity of Europe's economy. European businesses have to decide on their investments for the future, in the face of uncertainties, supply constraints and not always fair competition.
The EU can build on its strengths and achieve more than merely trying to catch up and bridge the growth and innovation gap. A forward-looking, well-defined and coordinated EU framework will foster thriving businesses, able to compete on the global market, with attractive jobs and setting global standards. To set the EU economy on a sustainable growth path beyond 2030, the EU and its Member States need to actively ensure structural improvements, well focused investment and regulatory measures along the lines set out in this communication. The time is now to work differently, at a make or break moment for the EU’s long term competitiveness.