(Forslag) Rådsrekommandasjon (EU) .../... om nøkkelfaktorene for vellykket digital utdanning og opplæring
Digital utdanning: nøkkelfaktorer for digital utdanning og opplæring
Rådsbehandling 23.11.2023 (enighet med Europaparlamentet; endelig vedtak) med pressemelding
- Notat om planlagt rådsrekommandasjon lagt fram av Kommisjonen 1.8.2022 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 16.9.2022
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 18.4.2023)
Commission calls for massive boost in enabling digital education and providing digital skills
Despite progress and some excellent examples of innovation, combined efforts have so far not resulted in systemic digital transformation in education and training. Member States still struggle to attain sufficient levels of investment in digital education and training infrastructure, equipment and digital education content, digital training (up-skilling) of teachers and staff, and monitoring and evaluation of digital education and training policies.
The proposal for a “Council Recommendation on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training” calls on all Member States to ensure universal access to inclusive and high-quality digital education and training, to address the digital divide, which has become even more apparent in the light of the COVID-19 crisis. This could be achieved by creating a coherent framework of investment, governance and teacher training for effective and inclusive digital education. It proposes guidance and action that Member States can pursue to implement a whole-of-government and multi-stakeholder approach as well as a culture of bottom-up innovation and digitalisation led by education and training staff.
Se hele pressemeldingen her.