Avvikling av kredittinstitusjoner og visse verdipapirforetak: endringsbestemmelser om tidlig intervensjonstiltak, vilkår for løsning og finansiering av resolusjonstiltak
Foreløpig holdning (forhandlingsmandat) vedtatt av Rådet 19.6.2024 med pressemelding
- Foreløpig holdning (forhandlingsmandat) vedtatt av Rådet 17.11.2023 med pressemelding
- Europaparlamentets plenumsbehandling 24.4.2024
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsforslaget)
The proposed amendments to Directive 2014/59/EU (the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive or BRRD) are part of the crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) legislative package that also includes amendments to Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 (the Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation or SRMR) and to Directive 2014/49/EU (the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive or DGSD).
The EU crisis management framework is well-established, however, previous episodes of bank failures have shown that there is need for improvements. The aim of the CMDI reform is to build on the objectives of the crisis management framework and to ensure a more consistent approach to resolution, so that any bank in crisis can exit the market in an orderly manner, while preserving financial stability, taxpayer money and ensuring depositor confidence. In particular, the existing resolution framework for smaller and medium-sized banks needs to be strengthened with respect to its design, implementation and, most importantly, incentives for its application, so that it can be more credibly applied to those banks.