Konkurranserett for foretak: veiledning ved anvendelse av EØS-artikkel 53 og 54
EFTAs overvåkningsorgans meddelelse om uformell veiledning knyttet til nye eller uløste spørsmål med hensyn til anvendelse av EØS-avtalen artikkel 53 og 54 som oppstår i enkeltsaker (veiledningsbrev)
EFTA Surveillance Authority Notice on informal guidance relating to novel or unresolved questions concerning Articles 53 and 54 of the EEA Agreement that arise in individual cases (guidance letters)
Retningslinjer vedtatt av EFTAs overvåkningsorgan 14.6.2023 med pressemelding
BAKGRUNN (fra ESAs pressemelding 14.6.2023)
The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has today adopted a revised, more flexible, Notice on informal guidance for novel or unresolved questions concerning EEA competition law.
The notice helps businesses to seek informal guidance, in the form of guidance letters, on the application of EEA competition rules concerning agreements between undertakings and market abuses as set out in Articles 53 and 54 of the EEA Agreement.
ESA revised its 2006 informal guidance notice in line with the changes that the European Commission introduced in October 2022 with regard to its 2004 informal guidance notice.
The revised Notice adopted today updates the criteria that allow ESA to provide informal guidance to businesses in cases presenting novel or unresolved questions.
It increases ESA’s flexibility to address a wider range of issues in guidance letters and broadens the definition of ‘novel issues’ to cover cases where there is ‘no sufficient clarification’ available in the EEA legal framework.
The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has today adopted a revised, more flexible, Notice on informal guidance for novel or unresolved questions concerning EEA competition law.
The notice helps businesses to seek informal guidance, in the form of guidance letters, on the application of EEA competition rules concerning agreements between undertakings and market abuses as set out in Articles 53 and 54 of the EEA Agreement.
ESA revised its 2006 informal guidance notice in line with the changes that the European Commission introduced in October 2022 with regard to its 2004 informal guidance notice.
The revised Notice adopted today updates the criteria that allow ESA to provide informal guidance to businesses in cases presenting novel or unresolved questions.
It increases ESA’s flexibility to address a wider range of issues in guidance letters and broadens the definition of ‘novel issues’ to cover cases where there is ‘no sufficient clarification’ available in the EEA legal framework.