Retningslinjer for offentlig støtte til rask utbygging av bredbåndsnett (2013)
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen. EU-retningslinjer for offentlig støtte til rask utbygging av bredbåndsnett
Communication from the Commission. EU Guidelines for the application of State aid rules in relation to the rapid deployment of broadband networks
Høring om revisjon av retningslinjene igangsatt av Kommisjonen 19.11.2021 med pressemelding
BAKGRUNN (fra EFTAs overvåkingsorgans pressemelding 20.2.2013)
State Aid: New broadband guidelines adopted
Today, the EFTA Surveillance Authority adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid rules in relation to the rapid deployment of broadband networks.
The aim of the revision is to adapt the 2009 Guidelines to fast moving technology markets, and to ensure the widespread availability of broadband services for all EEA citizens, and the access to higher internet speeds.
The changes from the 2009 Guidelines focus on:
• Technological neutrality
• Ultra-fast broadband networks
• Publicly financed infrastructure (it must provide a substantial improvement over existing networks)
• Reinforcement of open access (networks realised with taxpayers' money must be truly open to operators that seek acces)
• Transparency
The new guidelines summarise the principles of the Authority's policy in applying the State aid rules of the EEA Agreement to measures that support the deployment of broadband networks. The Authority will apply the guidelines in the assessment of State aid for broadband. This will increase the legal certainty and transparency of its decision-making.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.
State Aid: New broadband guidelines adopted
Today, the EFTA Surveillance Authority adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid rules in relation to the rapid deployment of broadband networks.
The aim of the revision is to adapt the 2009 Guidelines to fast moving technology markets, and to ensure the widespread availability of broadband services for all EEA citizens, and the access to higher internet speeds.
The changes from the 2009 Guidelines focus on:
• Technological neutrality
• Ultra-fast broadband networks
• Publicly financed infrastructure (it must provide a substantial improvement over existing networks)
• Reinforcement of open access (networks realised with taxpayers' money must be truly open to operators that seek acces)
• Transparency
The new guidelines summarise the principles of the Authority's policy in applying the State aid rules of the EEA Agreement to measures that support the deployment of broadband networks. The Authority will apply the guidelines in the assessment of State aid for broadband. This will increase the legal certainty and transparency of its decision-making.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.