Retningslinjer for statsstøtte til korttids eksportkredittforsikring
Meddelelse 2012/C 392/01 av 19. desember 2012 fra Kommisjonen til medlemsstatene om anvendelse av artikkel 107 og 108 i traktaten om Den europeiske unions funksjonsmåte på korttids eksportkredittforsikring
Communication 2012/C 392/01 of 19 December 2012 from the Commission to the Member States on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to short-term export-credit insurance
Notat om planlagt revisjon av retningslinjene lagt fram av Kommisjonen 26.5.2021 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 23.6.2021
BAKGRUNN (fra EFTAs overvåkingsorgans pressemelding 30.1.2013)
State Aid: New guidelines on short-term export-credit insurance adopted
Today, the EFTA Surveillance Authority adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid in the context of short-term export-credit insurance.
The new guidelines are based on experience gained in applying the previous guidelines on short-term export-credit insurance, in particular during the financial crisis between 2009 and 2011.
The rules set out in these guidelines will help to ensure that state aid does not distort competition among private and public or publicly supported export-credit insurers and to create a level-playing field among exporters.
The new guidelines give the EEA EFTA States more detailed guidance about the principles on which the Authority intends to base its interpretation of Articles 61 and 62 of the EEA Agreement and their application to short-term export-credit insurance. The Authority's policy in this area should be as transparent as possible and ensure predictability and equal treatment. To that end, the new guidelines lay down a set of conditions that must be fulfilled when State insurers wish to enter the short-term export- credit insurance market for marketable risks. The main changes from the previous guidelines are the following;
• Identification of possible market gaps that could justify State intervention.
• Introduction of conditions under which such intervention can take place in line with EEA state aid rules.
• Possibility to modify the list of marketable risks countries.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.
State Aid: New guidelines on short-term export-credit insurance adopted
Today, the EFTA Surveillance Authority adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid in the context of short-term export-credit insurance.
The new guidelines are based on experience gained in applying the previous guidelines on short-term export-credit insurance, in particular during the financial crisis between 2009 and 2011.
The rules set out in these guidelines will help to ensure that state aid does not distort competition among private and public or publicly supported export-credit insurers and to create a level-playing field among exporters.
The new guidelines give the EEA EFTA States more detailed guidance about the principles on which the Authority intends to base its interpretation of Articles 61 and 62 of the EEA Agreement and their application to short-term export-credit insurance. The Authority's policy in this area should be as transparent as possible and ensure predictability and equal treatment. To that end, the new guidelines lay down a set of conditions that must be fulfilled when State insurers wish to enter the short-term export- credit insurance market for marketable risks. The main changes from the previous guidelines are the following;
• Identification of possible market gaps that could justify State intervention.
• Introduction of conditions under which such intervention can take place in line with EEA state aid rules.
• Possibility to modify the list of marketable risks countries.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.