Det europeiske forskingsområdet 2015-2020

Det europeiske forskingsområdet 2015-2020

Det europeiske forskningsområdet (ERA) - veikart 2015-2020
The European Research Area Roadmap 2015-2020

Veikart godkjent av Rådet 29.05.2015


BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding 29.05.2015)

European Research Area: roadmap 2015-2020 and more effective governance
In its conclusions, the Council endorsed a roadmap for the European Research Area (ERA) and set out the next steps to improve its governance.

The purpose of the roadmap, which covers the years 2015 to 2020, is to identify and focus on measures that can provide the greatest benefits for Europe's science, research and innovation systems.

Those measures are to be anchored in the key priorities agreed for the ERA, which are: more effective national research systems; optimal transnational co-operation and competition; an open labour market for researchers; gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research; and optimal circulation and transfer of scientific knowledge, including via a digital ERA. International cooperation in research is considered a sixth priority.

The conclusions call on the member states and the Commission to start the implementation of the top action priorities identified in the roadmap through appropriate actions in their action plans or strategies by mid-2016.

In February 2014, the Council conclusions called for the EU member states, in close cooperation with the Commission, to develop an ERA roadmap at European level by mid-2015. This should facilitate and reinforce the efforts undertaken by the member states.

The Council adopted a separate set of conclusions on reviewing ERA governance to make the advisory structure of the ERA more efficient and effective.

The advisory work for the development of the ERA is currently undertaken by the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) and a number of other different ERA-related groups, which include the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), the Strategic Forum for International Science and Technology Cooperation (SFIC), the High Level Group on Joint Programming (GPC), the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (HG), the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM) and the ERAC working group on knowledge transfer (KT).

The ERA is the cornerstone of the Innovation Union flagship initiative to address major challenges in society. It is also a crucial component of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs.