Det indre marked - statusrapport 2022
Arbeidsdokument fra Kommisjonen. Årlig rapport om det indre marked - 2022
Commission Working Document. Annual Single Market Report 2022
Rapport lagt fram av Kommisjonen 22.2.2022
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsrapporten, engelsk utgave)
Excetutive Summary
The Single Market shows signs of recovery, however the depth of the pandemic shock and the volatile recovery require continued vigilance. After the big drop in 2020, the confidence indicators across industrial ecosystems have improved considerably throughout 2021, but have slightly declined again in December and in January 2022, amid concerns about new variants and possible containment measures. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis as well as speed of recovery vary considerably across industrial ecosystems. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) will be key for recovering and strengthening the resilience of European industry.
The Single Market grants businesses a large reserve of domestic demand and differentiated supply sources. This, together with the EU’s integration in the global economy, represents one of the main assets of our economy also in times of crisis. In this context, the implementation and enforcement of Single Market rules remain crucial, both according to long term (e.g. Single Market Enforcement Action Plan) and short-term (e.g. COVID-19-related unilateral restrictions) priorities. The continued efforts to address the persistent barriers, including in the framework of the Single Market Enforcement Task Force, and the promotion of cross-border provision of services are also key.
During the pandemics and in the volatile recovery phase, supply and demand imbalances have emerged in various markets such as medical materials, electronic chips, some metals or wood, leading to worries about price pressures. However, the recent challenges in global supply chains point to the need to reinforce them to the benefit of a stronger Single Market. The approach taken by the Commission during the COVID-19 crisis to secure the supply of protective personal equipment and ramp up the industrial production of vaccines provides an example of action to address severe supply risks for products of strategic importance. Furthermore, the implementation of the Industrial Strategy, as updated in May 2021, already focuses on boosting the resilience of the Single Market and industrial ecosystems by addressing strategic dependencies, ensuring a level playing field, incentivizing investment and international partnerships.
The green and digital transitions require substantial investment to overcome large-scale challenges. Bold action is needed to preserve strategic value chains and enable project pipelines. This report outlines the various instruments that have been used at EU level to mobilise the investments needed to achieve the green and digital transition and greater resilience of the Single market. For example, the RRF and the NextGeneration EU play an important role. Public support should be coupled with accompanying reforms to make sure that investments fall on fertile ground and do yield the desired impact. The staff working documents is accompanied by five Annexes. Annexes 1 to 3 presents an overview of the implementation of respectively the SME Strategy, the Single Market Enforcement Action Plan, the Industrial Strategy and its update. Annex 4 provides an overview of key performance indicators related to the Single Market. Finally, Annex 5 to this report provides an illustration of investment volumes for a number of industrial areas of relevance that play an enabling role for successful green, digital and resilient transitions and for the competitiveness of tomorrow’s industry.
Excetutive Summary
The Single Market shows signs of recovery, however the depth of the pandemic shock and the volatile recovery require continued vigilance. After the big drop in 2020, the confidence indicators across industrial ecosystems have improved considerably throughout 2021, but have slightly declined again in December and in January 2022, amid concerns about new variants and possible containment measures. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis as well as speed of recovery vary considerably across industrial ecosystems. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) will be key for recovering and strengthening the resilience of European industry.
The Single Market grants businesses a large reserve of domestic demand and differentiated supply sources. This, together with the EU’s integration in the global economy, represents one of the main assets of our economy also in times of crisis. In this context, the implementation and enforcement of Single Market rules remain crucial, both according to long term (e.g. Single Market Enforcement Action Plan) and short-term (e.g. COVID-19-related unilateral restrictions) priorities. The continued efforts to address the persistent barriers, including in the framework of the Single Market Enforcement Task Force, and the promotion of cross-border provision of services are also key.
During the pandemics and in the volatile recovery phase, supply and demand imbalances have emerged in various markets such as medical materials, electronic chips, some metals or wood, leading to worries about price pressures. However, the recent challenges in global supply chains point to the need to reinforce them to the benefit of a stronger Single Market. The approach taken by the Commission during the COVID-19 crisis to secure the supply of protective personal equipment and ramp up the industrial production of vaccines provides an example of action to address severe supply risks for products of strategic importance. Furthermore, the implementation of the Industrial Strategy, as updated in May 2021, already focuses on boosting the resilience of the Single Market and industrial ecosystems by addressing strategic dependencies, ensuring a level playing field, incentivizing investment and international partnerships.
The green and digital transitions require substantial investment to overcome large-scale challenges. Bold action is needed to preserve strategic value chains and enable project pipelines. This report outlines the various instruments that have been used at EU level to mobilise the investments needed to achieve the green and digital transition and greater resilience of the Single market. For example, the RRF and the NextGeneration EU play an important role. Public support should be coupled with accompanying reforms to make sure that investments fall on fertile ground and do yield the desired impact. The staff working documents is accompanied by five Annexes. Annexes 1 to 3 presents an overview of the implementation of respectively the SME Strategy, the Single Market Enforcement Action Plan, the Industrial Strategy and its update. Annex 4 provides an overview of key performance indicators related to the Single Market. Finally, Annex 5 to this report provides an illustration of investment volumes for a number of industrial areas of relevance that play an enabling role for successful green, digital and resilient transitions and for the competitiveness of tomorrow’s industry.