Etablering av EMODNET: Det europeiske marine observasjons- og datanettverk

Etablering av EMODNET: Det europeiske marine observasjons- og datanettverk

Kommisjonens arbeidsdokument: Etablering av en europeisk marin kunnskapsinfrastruktur: Veikart for Det europeiske marine observasjons- og datanettverk

Resultat av høring lagt fram av Kommisjonen 22.1.2010


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens bakgrunnsinformasjon for konsultasjonen)

There is a general consensus that marine data collected with public funding are not being exploited to their full potential. A number of reasons for this have been identified – poor knowledge of what is available, difficult access conditions, limitations on re-use, high costs, little coherence, unknown quality and insufficient spatial or temporal resolution.

The EU's Maritime Policy Blue Book, welcomed by the European Council in December 2007, undertook to take steps towards a European Marine Observation and Data Network that would progressively improve matters.

Steps taken since then include the launching of preparatory actions, the setting up of a Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, the formulation of broad principles for marine data management and the preparation of a roadmap (PDF~369 Kb).

These initiatives cover all marine data – hydrographic, geological, physical, chemical, biological - as well as human activity that impacts on the marine environment. Socio-economic data of coastal communities and maritime industries have not been included; not because the Commission does not feel that they are important. Rather they are the subject of a separate parallel initiative led by Eurostat - the Statistical Office of the European Communities.

All stakeholders are now invited to provide their opinion as to the state of Europe's marine knowledge infrastructure and what steps are appropriate to be taken at an EU level.

The results of the consultation will be published and fed into the process for determining what action at an EU level is appropriate to create a marine knowledge infrastructure that is fit for purpose; that improves our knowledge of the planet, that enables all stakeholders to contribute towards the debate as to how its oceans should be managed, that helps authorities meet regulatory requirements and that stimulates the development of an innovative value-added industry.

Personal opinions as well as those of organisations and administrations are sought.