EU-høring om 5G-basestasjoner og trådløse småceller

EU-høring om 5G-basestasjoner og trådløse småceller

Light deployment regime for small-area wireless access points

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 16.1.2019


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

Feedback period

16 January 2019 - 10 April 2019

Target audience

Citizens: Citizens susceptible to be interested in this consultation are the ones with a particular interest in wireless services and mobile network deployments;

• Consumer associations;

• Citizens associations;

• Public authorities: Member States' national, regional and municipal authorities who are involved in the current permit granting process. This includes the enforcement community represented by national telecom regulators who monitor the respect of electromagnetic field limits;

• Experts: Member States' spectrum management experts and academia and research institutes;

• Industry/business/associations: mobile network equipment manufacturers/suppliers, mobile network operators and their potential subcontractors dealing with network deployment.

Why we are consulting

The current consultation activity will seek input on the extent to which the light deployment regime should be implemented, i.e. which small cells should be exempted and based on what physical and technical characteristics. The impact of such a light deployment regime will be thoroughly investigated, including potential impacts on environmental, economic and other issues. However, it should be ensured that small cells can be deployed to a sufficient extent to allow the installation of the new 5G networks.