EU-høring om adgang til trygd og sosialstøtte
Public consultation on a possible EU action addressing the challenges of access to social protection for people in all forms of employment in the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights
Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 20.11.2017
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)
Period of consultation
From 20/11/2017 To : 15/01/2018
Objective of the consultation
The Commission has announced an initiative on access to social protection in its Work Programme 2017. The initiative is to be accompany of the European Pillar of Social Rights launched on 26 April 2017
In order to ensure that the general public interest of the Union - as opposed to special interests of a narrow range of stakeholder groups - is well reflected in the design of an EU initiative on access to social protection, the Commission regards it as a duty to conduct an open public consultation, and wishes to consult as widely as possible.
The aim of the stakeholder consultation related to the EU initiative on access to social protection is thus to deliver a high quality and credible proposals by allowing interested parties to provide feedback. This also ensures transparency and accountability.
Based on articles 153 and 154 TFEU, the Commission carries out, before submitting any proposal in the social policy field, a consultation of management and labour on the possible direction of Union action, followed by an in-depth consultation at a second stage. The first phase consultation has been closed on 23 June 2017 and indicates that the conditions for a negotiation between social partners are not met.
However, as not all self-employed are covered by social partners but often represented by their own organisations or not at all, and because potential initiative would cover also non-legislative measures outside the article 153, to the Commission deems essential to organise other consultation activities like this open public consultation.
Reference documents and other, related consultations
The consultation results will inform the preparation of the Commission's non-legislative / legislative proposals.
Background document:
Public consultation on a possible EU action addressing the challenges of access to social protection for people in all forms of employment in the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights
Period of consultation
From 20/11/2017 To : 15/01/2018
Objective of the consultation
The Commission has announced an initiative on access to social protection in its Work Programme 2017. The initiative is to be accompany of the European Pillar of Social Rights launched on 26 April 2017
In order to ensure that the general public interest of the Union - as opposed to special interests of a narrow range of stakeholder groups - is well reflected in the design of an EU initiative on access to social protection, the Commission regards it as a duty to conduct an open public consultation, and wishes to consult as widely as possible.
The aim of the stakeholder consultation related to the EU initiative on access to social protection is thus to deliver a high quality and credible proposals by allowing interested parties to provide feedback. This also ensures transparency and accountability.
Based on articles 153 and 154 TFEU, the Commission carries out, before submitting any proposal in the social policy field, a consultation of management and labour on the possible direction of Union action, followed by an in-depth consultation at a second stage. The first phase consultation has been closed on 23 June 2017 and indicates that the conditions for a negotiation between social partners are not met.
However, as not all self-employed are covered by social partners but often represented by their own organisations or not at all, and because potential initiative would cover also non-legislative measures outside the article 153, to the Commission deems essential to organise other consultation activities like this open public consultation.
Reference documents and other, related consultations
The consultation results will inform the preparation of the Commission's non-legislative / legislative proposals.
Background document:
Public consultation on a possible EU action addressing the challenges of access to social protection for people in all forms of employment in the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights