EU-høring om bærekraftige batterier

EU-høring om bærekraftige batterier

Sustainable batteries – EU requirements

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 13.6.2019


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

About this consultation

Feedback period: 13 June 2019 - 8 August 2019 (midnight Brussels time)

• Member States: MS (and EEA) representatives active in policy discussions on batteries

• Industry: representatives from battery manufacturers, as well representatives from their value chain, including suppliers of raw materials and manufacturers of electric vehicles, energy storage solutions and electricity grid operators.

• SMEs: upstream and downstream the battery value chain

• Environmental and consumer NGOs (non-governmental organisations) with an interest in protection of consumer rights, environmental protection and sustainable development.

• Standardisation organisations working in the development of standards related to potential sustainability requirements (e.g., energy performance, durability, recyclability)

• Users: potential users of electric vehicles and domestic energy storage solutions, who may have an interest in understanding how sustainability requirements under discussion may affect them.

Why we are consulting

The purpose of this stakeholder consultation is to gather stakeholder evidence and views in order to support a regulatory intervention whose main objective is to foster the production and placing on the EU market of high performing, safe, sustainable and durable (i.e. long-lasting) battery cells and battery packs/modules, produced with the lowest environmental footprint possible in a way that is cost-effective. At the same time, this initiative aims at helping create a level playing field for economic operators.

Batteries are a key enabling technology for low emission mobility and for energy storage. Recent forecasts indicate that the demand for batteries both in the EU and globally will grow exponentially in the next years. Up to a third of this demand will be generated in the EU. The EU is strong in some aspects of the battery value chain, such as battery management systems or recycling, but the core element of the battery, the battery cell, is not manufactured in Europe at large scale.
Battery technologies play a key role in decarbonising the road transport sector and strongly contribute to energy storage solutions, both for domestic and grid applications. Their large-scale deployment represents therefore a substantial contribution to our Energy Union and our sustainable mobility policies.