EU-høring om en strategi for forskning, innovasjon og konkurranseevne for energiunionen

EU-høring om en strategi for forskning, innovasjon og konkurranseevne for energiunionen

Open public online consultation on the development of a comprehensive, integrated Research, Innovation, and Competitiveness Strategy for the Energy Union

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 4.3.2016


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

Target group(s)
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from research organisations and associations of research organisations, universities and associations of universities, public authorities (including regional and local administrations), local communities, large businesses, small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), business associations, inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individual citizens, which are stakeholders in energy and transport sectors but also from those that are stakeholders in the industry, agriculture/bioeconomy and construction sectors.

Period of consultation
From 04.03.2016 to 31.05.2016

Objective of the consultation
The objective of this public consultation is to collect the opinions of stakeholders and interested parties, including EU citizens and private and public organisations, with regard to the development of a comprehensive research, innovation and competitiveness strategy for the Energy Union, as the fifth pillar of the Energy Union.

This aspect is particularly important given the objective to drastically reduce EU’s emissions and use of energy, while at the same time maintaining the competitiveness of economic sectors including energy and transport but also industry, agriculture/bioeconomy and construction, and providing modern, user-friendly, safe, sustainable and secure solutions to EU citizens and businesses. In this sense, this strategy will provide an important element to contribute from the EU perspective to the Paris Agreement achieved on last 12 December 2015 as the outcome of Conference of Parties (COP21) under the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention ( 505 KB).
An overarching Integrated Energy Union Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy is essential in order to ensure that the overall goals are not lost in the trade-offs between the individual sectors.

Reference documents

On 25 February 2015 the European Commission published “ENERGY UNION STRATEGY” (COM(2015) 80 final), which is made up of 5 closely related and mutually reinforcing dimensions. Under its fifth pillar, Research and innovation, the Energy Union strategy is supporting breakthroughs in low-carbon technologies by coordinating research and helping to finance projects in partnership with the private sector.

Amongst the action points foreseen in the Energy Union Strategy, it indicates that the EU needs to develop a forward-looking, energy and climate-related R&I strategy to maintain European technological leadership and expand export opportunities.

• The Commission will propose a European energy R&I approach, comprising an upgraded Strategic Energy Technology Plan and a strategic transport R&I agenda, with a limited number of essential priorities and clear objectives, in 2015-2016.

• The Commission will develop an initiative on global technology and innovation leadership on energy and climate to boost jobs and growth.

These three initiatives represent the backbone of a comprehensive and Integrated Energy Union Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy and are meant to provide a key contribution toward the attainment of the Energy union goals.

Energy union strategy:
Energy Union Factsheet