EU-høring om forebygging og minnelige løsninger av tvister mellom investorer og offentlige myndigheter i det indre marked

EU-høring om forebygging og minnelige løsninger av tvister mellom investorer og offentlige myndigheter i det indre marked

Public Consultation on the revision of the Vehicle General Safety Regulation and the Pedestrian Safety Regulation

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 31.7.2017


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 31.7.2017)

Commission seeks views on amicable resolution of disputes between investors and public authorities in the Single Market

The Commission today launches a consultation on ways to facilitate investments made in another EU country. The objective of this consultation is to investigate whether EU rules could be useful in the context of preventing and resolving disputes amicably between investors and public authorities within the Single Market. Amicable resolution of investment disputes, such as through mediation, could help find consensual solutions to problems where they arise. Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, responsible for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, said: “The Single Market already contains clear safeguards for setting up businesses or buying companies in other EU countries. But for a well-functioning Single Market the adequate and amicable prevention and resolution of disputes could be a useful supplement to existing rules. This is why the Commission is exploring whether rules for the amicable resolution of investment disputes should be set up in order to save time and money both for EU investors and national authorities.” This initiative follows the new priorities set out in the Capital Markets Union Mid-term Review of June 2017. Interested parties are also asked to identify areas where better clarity about EU investors' rights is needed in order to feed into the upcoming Commission guidance.