EU-høring om forenkling av søknadsprosedyrer for kjemikaliegodkjennning i spesielle tilfeller
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 05.02.2015
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BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside)
Objective of the consultation
I) REACH authorisation for uses of substances in low volumes:
Stakeholders are invited to provide comments on the proposed scope, conditions and review period for the specific case of authorisation applications for "low volumes". This includes the question whether the level of detail on the information required in applications for this specific case is sufficient. The current existing obligations for authorisation, which are related to Annex I of REACH should be taken into account.
II) REACH authorisation for uses of substances in legacy spare parts:
Stakeholders are invited to provide comments on the proposed definitions and scope of "legacy spare parts" and indicate which substances listed in Annex XIV of REACH are used in the production of legacy spare parts. Information provided should include the name of the substance and a description of the articles concerned, as well as the approximate volume used in the production of legacy spare parts. It should also include, if relevant, a description of mixtures intended for the repair and maintenance of articles no longer produced after the sunset date, as well as the usual time-length, during which the legacy spare parts are expected to be supplied, so as to preserve the functionality of the articles for which they are intended.