EU-høring om grønn handlingsplan for små og mellomstore bedrifter
Public consultation on the Green Action Plan for SMEs
Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 20.9.2013
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 23.9.2013, engelsk utgave)
Consultation on Green Action Plan for small enterprises – Enhancing their international competitiveness
Through a public consultation, the European Commission wishes to collect stakeholders’ views on the most effective support measures for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to become more resource efficient and sell internationally green products and which actors are best placed to help SMEs in the process. Today only few European SMEs extend their green business to foreign markets. Knowing that the EU makes up roughly one third of the world market for environmental industries this reveals a huge potential for SMEs to grow.
The results of this public consultation will be used to shape the actions aimed at promoting resource efficiency for and by SMEs to be included in the forthcoming Green Action Plan for SMEs. The public consultation runs from 20tth September until 12th December 2013.
Consultation on Green Action Plan for small enterprises – Enhancing their international competitiveness
Through a public consultation, the European Commission wishes to collect stakeholders’ views on the most effective support measures for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to become more resource efficient and sell internationally green products and which actors are best placed to help SMEs in the process. Today only few European SMEs extend their green business to foreign markets. Knowing that the EU makes up roughly one third of the world market for environmental industries this reveals a huge potential for SMEs to grow.
The results of this public consultation will be used to shape the actions aimed at promoting resource efficiency for and by SMEs to be included in the forthcoming Green Action Plan for SMEs. The public consultation runs from 20tth September until 12th December 2013.