EU-høring om innspill til evaluering av TEN-T 2007-2013
Ex-post evaluation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) programme 2007-2013
Omtale publisert av Samferdselsdepartementet 27.11.2018
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside, engelsk utgave)
Feedback period
15 November 2018 - 14 February 2019
Target audience
The European Commission has identified the following external stakeholder categories, in addition to any interested citizen:
- Member States;
- Other project beneficiaries than the Member States;
- For financial instruments: project promoters;
- Where relevant, academics;
- European Coordinators for the 9 Core Network Corridors and the 2 horizontal priorities;
- Service providers (operator undertakings);
- Infrastructure managers of all modes.
Why we are consulting
The objective of the consultation is to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders, including citizens, for the purposes of the current ex-post evaluation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Programme as applied in 2007 - 2013.
The general objectives of the ex-post evaluation are to report on the progress in achieving the objectives of the programme, the efficiency of the use of resources, and its European added value and to formulate overall conclusions and possible recommendations on the implementation of the TEN-T Programme with a view to providing input for a possible revision of the TEN-T Programme and its policy.
Feedback period
15 November 2018 - 14 February 2019
Target audience
The European Commission has identified the following external stakeholder categories, in addition to any interested citizen:
- Member States;
- Other project beneficiaries than the Member States;
- For financial instruments: project promoters;
- Where relevant, academics;
- European Coordinators for the 9 Core Network Corridors and the 2 horizontal priorities;
- Service providers (operator undertakings);
- Infrastructure managers of all modes.
Why we are consulting
The objective of the consultation is to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders, including citizens, for the purposes of the current ex-post evaluation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Programme as applied in 2007 - 2013.
The general objectives of the ex-post evaluation are to report on the progress in achieving the objectives of the programme, the efficiency of the use of resources, and its European added value and to formulate overall conclusions and possible recommendations on the implementation of the TEN-T Programme with a view to providing input for a possible revision of the TEN-T Programme and its policy.