EU-høring om kooperative intelligente transportsystemer

EU-høring om kooperative intelligente transportsystemer

Public consultation on specifications for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 10.10.2017


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

About this consultation
10 October 2017 - 5 January 2018

Target group
Transport operators and drivers (+ drivers' and consumer organisations), Vehicle manufacturers & suppliers, C-ITS system/service providers (+ aftermarket), telecom service providers, road operators, road & transport authorities, public administrations, European citizens

Objective of the consultation
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) means applying Information and Communication Technologies to transport. ITS applications and services can be very diverse, including for instance journey planners, travel information services, intelligent message signs and traffic lights, safety applications (automatic 112 calls, advanced cruise control) and traffic management.

In many respects today's vehicles are already connected devices. However, in the very near future they will also interact with each other, with the road infrastructure and possibly with other devices, and form part of an eco-system of cooperative, connected and automated mobility. This interaction is the domain of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).

C-ITS will allow road users and traffic managers to share and use information and coordinate their actions. This cooperative element – enabled by digital connectivity – is expected to significantly improve road safety, traffic efficiency and comfort of driving, by helping the driver (and in the future automated vehicles) to take the right decisions and adapt to the traffic situation.

The 2016 EU Strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems foresees in particular the need to amend and supplement the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU for aspects where legal certainty is needed, through the preparation of a delegated regulation on C-ITS.

View the questionnaire

Additional information
More information can be found on the following webpages:

• The inception impact assessment, that provides additional context that can be helpful when filling in this questionnaire:

Relevant studies: