EU-høring om miljøovervåking og -rapportering
Streamlining monitoring and reporting obligations in environment policy
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 18.11.2015
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside, engelsk utgave)
Target group(s)
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation.
Period of consultation
From 18/11/2015 to 10/02/2016
Objective of the consultation
The Fitness Check of monitoring and reporting obligations in environment policy aims at ensuring that environmental monitoring and reporting is fit for purpose: delivering the right information, at the right time and in an efficient way. It is likely to identify some additional information that is required but also some existing reporting requirements that can be scaled back or met in a more efficient (less burdensome) manner.
The objective of this consultation is to help the Commission to validate the principles such as proportionality, accessibility, relevance… that it should use for assessing environmental reporting requirements; gather views regarding whether reporting requirements are in line with those principles – in this respect, examples will be particularly welcome; gather evidence on current shortcomings, overlaps and potential improvements that should be examined during the process.
View the questionnaire
Target group(s)
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation.
Period of consultation
From 18/11/2015 to 10/02/2016
Objective of the consultation
The Fitness Check of monitoring and reporting obligations in environment policy aims at ensuring that environmental monitoring and reporting is fit for purpose: delivering the right information, at the right time and in an efficient way. It is likely to identify some additional information that is required but also some existing reporting requirements that can be scaled back or met in a more efficient (less burdensome) manner.
The objective of this consultation is to help the Commission to validate the principles such as proportionality, accessibility, relevance… that it should use for assessing environmental reporting requirements; gather views regarding whether reporting requirements are in line with those principles – in this respect, examples will be particularly welcome; gather evidence on current shortcomings, overlaps and potential improvements that should be examined during the process.
View the questionnaire