EU-høring om obligasjoner med fortrinnsrett (OMF)
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 30.9.2015
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside, engelsk utgave)
The Consultation Paper falls under the scope of the Capital Markets Union project and evaluates signs of weaknesses and vulnerabilities in national covered bond markets as a result of the crisis, with a view to assessing the convenience of a possible future integrated European covered bond framework that could help improve funding conditions throughout the Union and facilitate cross-border investment and issuance in Member States currently facing practical or legal challenges in the development of their covered bond markets.
The Consultation Paper will trigger a debate with stakeholders on the feasibility and potential merits of greater integration between covered bond laws..
Consultation period: 30.09.2015 to 06.01.2016
• Press release on the Action plan on building a capital markets union
• Frequently Asked Questions on the Action plan on building a capital markets union