EU-høring om patenter og standarder
Åpen konsultasjon om patenter om standarder: Et moderne rammeverk for standardisering som inkluderer immaterialrett
Public Consultation on Patents and Standards: A modern framework for standardisation involving intellectual property rights
Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 14.10.2014
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsdokument,engelsk utgave)
Topic and objective
The objective of this consultation is to gather information and views on the interplay between standardisation and intellectual property rights (IPR) such as patents.
Standardisation is the voluntary process of developing technical specifications based on consensus among the interested parties. Standard setting takes place in the European and International Standardisation Organizations (ETSI, CEN, CENELEC, ITU, ISO, IEC) but also in other organizations and fora or consortia on national, European or international level. Many standards comprise technologies that are patent protected. Public authorities and the standardisation community have developed rules and practices to ensure the efficient licensing of these standard-related patents.
The purpose of this consultation is to allow stakeholders interested in standardisation involving patents, to bring to the Commission's attention their views on
– how the current framework governing standardisation involving patents performs and on
– how it should evolve to ensure that standardization remains efficient and adapted to the fast-changing economic and technological environment.
The European Commission has the task of ensuring that the European Union’s internal market functions efficiently. Therefore harmonisation standards are particularly important for the EU. Furthermore, an efficiently performing standardization system is crucial for the EU's objectives in the areas of industry policy, innovation, services and technological development.
Topic and objective
The objective of this consultation is to gather information and views on the interplay between standardisation and intellectual property rights (IPR) such as patents.
Standardisation is the voluntary process of developing technical specifications based on consensus among the interested parties. Standard setting takes place in the European and International Standardisation Organizations (ETSI, CEN, CENELEC, ITU, ISO, IEC) but also in other organizations and fora or consortia on national, European or international level. Many standards comprise technologies that are patent protected. Public authorities and the standardisation community have developed rules and practices to ensure the efficient licensing of these standard-related patents.
The purpose of this consultation is to allow stakeholders interested in standardisation involving patents, to bring to the Commission's attention their views on
– how the current framework governing standardisation involving patents performs and on
– how it should evolve to ensure that standardization remains efficient and adapted to the fast-changing economic and technological environment.
The European Commission has the task of ensuring that the European Union’s internal market functions efficiently. Therefore harmonisation standards are particularly important for the EU. Furthermore, an efficiently performing standardization system is crucial for the EU's objectives in the areas of industry policy, innovation, services and technological development.