EU-høring om produktpolitikk for en sirkulær økonomi

EU-høring om produktpolitikk for en sirkulær økonomi

Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 29.11.2018


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

About this consultation
Feedback period: 29 November 2018 - 24 January 2019

Target audience
This questionnaire is currently available in English only. Additional language versions will be available shortly.

The consultation is relevant for - the general public, given their vital role in purchasing, using or consuming and discarding products. The consultation aims to better understand the grounds on which they take decisions relating to products. - businesses and other stakeholders applying the EU product policies in everyday situations. They are likely to have more in-depth knowledge and experience with different policy tools. - civil society including NGOs often have expectations of the goals pursued by EU product policies. They also often have relevant information and knowledge on (impacts of) products which is very relevant for this initiative. - national and regional authorities in Member States, who have experience in implementing EU product policies as well as awareness of the impacts of products in their countries or regions. Local polices can complement EU policies and information on this is very relevant. Furthermore they play an important role as purchasers of products.

Why we are consulting
EU policies affect the products on the EU market in many different ways. As such, all citizens, businesses and other stakeholders are affected by these policies in one way or another. Citizens in their role as consumers buy, use and discard products. Businesses and industries are involved in all life-cycle phases including design, manufacturing, importing/exporting, purchasing, consumption and recycling / waste handling at the end of product the lifetime. They all take decisions related to products based on certain perceptions, under the influence of incentives and limitations set in (amongst others) EU policies. It is therefore vital to obtain views from a wide range of stakeholders on these perceptions and incentives, in particular those relating to EU product policies. This will help identify in how far the current EU product policy framework is supportive to a circular economy and what potential there is for increasing this contribution.