EU-høring om retningslinjer for statsstøtte knyttet til kvotehandelsordningen for drivhusgasser
Emissions trading scheme State aid guidelines - update
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 21.2.2019
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)
About this consultation
Feedback period
21 February 2019 - 16 May 2019 (midnight Brussels time)
Target audience
The Commission is interested in hearing your views on the revision of the Emission Trading System State aid guidelines (‘ETS guidelines’). It is particularly keen to hear from
• national and regional competent authorities involved in the granting of aid
• businesses, in particular industries exposed to ETS indirect emission costs
• trade associations representing businesses
• interest groups who professionally involved in the fight against climate change to climate change, e.g. academia, think tanks, green NGOs
• the general public
Comments and information from civil society, and businesses not exposed to ETS indirect emission costs but in competition with sectors benefiting from indirect emission costs compensation are also welcomed.
Why we are consulting
The aim of the consultation is to allow interested parties to provide their feedback and experiences of the implementation of the State aid rules related to the Emission Trading System (ETS), and their views regarding the design of the future ETS guidelines.
The consultation is aiming at collecting information contributing to evaluate whether the ETS guidelines are effective, efficient, relevant, coherent and have an EU-added value. The consultation also aims at collecting information on available policy options to address the risk of carbon leakage due to indirect emission costs, while preserving the incentive of the EU ETS for a cost-effective decarbonisation of the economy and minimising competition distortions in the internal market.
The Commission intends in particular to gather respondents’ opinion on the eligibility criteria and the variables to be included in the formula used to calculate the aid amount.
About this consultation
Feedback period
21 February 2019 - 16 May 2019 (midnight Brussels time)
Target audience
The Commission is interested in hearing your views on the revision of the Emission Trading System State aid guidelines (‘ETS guidelines’). It is particularly keen to hear from
• national and regional competent authorities involved in the granting of aid
• businesses, in particular industries exposed to ETS indirect emission costs
• trade associations representing businesses
• interest groups who professionally involved in the fight against climate change to climate change, e.g. academia, think tanks, green NGOs
• the general public
Comments and information from civil society, and businesses not exposed to ETS indirect emission costs but in competition with sectors benefiting from indirect emission costs compensation are also welcomed.
Why we are consulting
The aim of the consultation is to allow interested parties to provide their feedback and experiences of the implementation of the State aid rules related to the Emission Trading System (ETS), and their views regarding the design of the future ETS guidelines.
The consultation is aiming at collecting information contributing to evaluate whether the ETS guidelines are effective, efficient, relevant, coherent and have an EU-added value. The consultation also aims at collecting information on available policy options to address the risk of carbon leakage due to indirect emission costs, while preserving the incentive of the EU ETS for a cost-effective decarbonisation of the economy and minimising competition distortions in the internal market.
The Commission intends in particular to gather respondents’ opinion on the eligibility criteria and the variables to be included in the formula used to calculate the aid amount.