EU-høring om revisjon av regelverket for elektronisk kommunikasjon
Offentlig høring om evaluering og revisjon av det regulatoriske rammeverket for elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk og tjenester
Public consultation on the evaluation and the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services
Innspill fra Norge sammen med de nordiske landene, Estland, Storbritannia og Belgia sendt til Kommisjonen 25.1.2016
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommuisjonens høringsnettside, engelsk utgave)
The Commission is launching this consultation to gather input for the evaluation process in order to assess the current rules and to seek views on possible adaptations to the framework in light of market and technological developments, with the objective of contributing to the Digital Single Market Strategy.
The Commission is launching this consultation to gather input for the evaluation process in order to assess the current rules and to seek views on possible adaptations to the framework in light of market and technological developments, with the objective of contributing to the Digital Single Market Strategy.