EU-høring om statsstøtte til helse- og sosialtjenester av allmenn økonomisk betydning

EU-høring om statsstøtte til helse- og sosialtjenester av allmenn økonomisk betydning

Public consultation: State subsidy rules for health and social services of general economic interest (evaluation)

Omtale publisert i Stortingets EU/EØS-nytt 28.8.2019


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

About this consultation

Feedback period:
31 July 2019 - 6 November 2019 (midnight Brussels time)

Why we are consulting

The 2012 Service of General Economic Interest (SGEI) Package
In 2012, the Commission adopted the 2012 SGEI package. The overall objective of the package was to support Member States in funding SGEIs that are of key importance to citizens and society as a whole while preserving the key aspects of State aid control.

Health and social services
Health and social services form an essential part of the welfare system of Member States and are of crucial importance for citizens. They include medical care, long-term care, childcare, access to and reintegration into the labour market, social housing and the care and social inclusion of vulnerable groups. The 2012 SGEI package as regards health and social services aimed at simplifying compatibility criteria and reducing the administrative burden for Member States which compensate undertakings entrusted to provide such services to the (vulnerable part of the) population at affordable conditions. In this context, the 2012 SGEI Decision acknowledged that health and social services have specific characteristics that need to be taken into consideration. More compensation for these services was not necessarily considered to produce a greater risk of distortions of competition. Accordingly, compensation for health and social services was, under certain conditions, exempted from the notification obligation under Article 108 TFEU.
The goal of the present evaluation is to verify to which extent the rules applicable to health and social services reached these objectives and whether the rules are still appropriate in view of the development of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice and sector developments.

SGEI de minimis Regulation
The SGEI de minimis Regulation will expire on 31 December 2020. In this regard, the Commission seeks a better understanding of the application and possible difficulties encountered by stakeholders, also in the light of a possible prolongation and possible amendments.