EU-høring om strukturelle reformer i banksektoren
Consultation by the Commission on the Structural Reform of the Banking Sector
Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 16.5.2013
Nærmere omtale
Red. anm.: Høringsfrist er satt til 3. juli 2013.
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside, dansk utgave)
The general objectives of the reform are to establish a stable and efficient banking system that serves the needs of EU citizens and the economy, increases economic growth by reducing instability and improving resource allocation, and provides an EU-coordinated response to enhance the internal market functioning. The consultation focuses on the key attributes of the structural reform; i.e. the scope of activities, the strength of separation, and the possible institutional scope and is open to all stakeholders.
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside, dansk utgave)
The general objectives of the reform are to establish a stable and efficient banking system that serves the needs of EU citizens and the economy, increases economic growth by reducing instability and improving resource allocation, and provides an EU-coordinated response to enhance the internal market functioning. The consultation focuses on the key attributes of the structural reform; i.e. the scope of activities, the strength of separation, and the possible institutional scope and is open to all stakeholders.