EU-høring om styringssystemet for EUs energiunion
Consultation on streamlining of planning and reporting obligations as part of the energy union governance
Omtale av norsk innspill publisert av Olje- og energidepartementet 26.4.2016
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)
Consultation period
11 January 2016 to 22 April 2016
Objective of the consultation
To ask all interested parties to i) provide information which could be used in the context of the evaluation of the existing planning and reporting obligations of the EU energy acquis; ii) express an opinion on the possible options to streamline the current framework in the light of better regulation and reduced administrative burden; iii) indicate preferred options for the new governance of the Energy Union.
Consultation period
11 January 2016 to 22 April 2016
Objective of the consultation
To ask all interested parties to i) provide information which could be used in the context of the evaluation of the existing planning and reporting obligations of the EU energy acquis; ii) express an opinion on the possible options to streamline the current framework in the light of better regulation and reduced administrative burden; iii) indicate preferred options for the new governance of the Energy Union.