EU-høring om styrket samarbeid om sykdommer som kan forebygges med vaksine

EU-høring om styrket samarbeid om sykdommer som kan forebygges med vaksine

Open Public Consultation on “Strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases”

Høring igangsatt 21.12.2017


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 21.12.2017)

Increasing vaccination: consulting the public on possible EU actions

Today, the Commission launches a public consultation on possible activities to be included in a proposal for stronger EU cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases, which will be adopted in 2018. Interested individuals and organisations can now help shape this important initiative by completing the questionnaire structured under three pillars: tackling vaccine hesitancy; sustainable vaccine policies in the EU; and EU coordination, including the promotion of stakeholder dialogue, and contribution to global health. Announcing the launch of the consultation, Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, underlined: "In September, President Juncker said he found it unacceptable that in 2017 there are still children dying of diseases that should long have been eradicated in Europe. Needless to say that I not only echo the President's statement but also am fully committed to support Member States increase vaccination coverage in the EU. The consultation we launch today is an opportunity for you – citizens and organisations - to tell us which EU actions you think are helpful for strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases. But let me be clear: this is not a debate about the merits of vaccination. The benefits of vaccines are a matter of fact, not a matter of opinion. The growing scepticism towards vaccines threatens to reverse the strides we have made in public health. I count on your constructive input." The consultation will run for 12 weeks until 15 March 2018, after which a consultation report will be drawn up.