EU-høring om supercomputere
Consultation on the High Performance Computing Initiative in Europe
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 3.8.2017
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)
Have your say on the future EU High Performance Computing Initiative
The European Commission has opened a consultation on the High Performance Computing Initiative in Europe. The Commission wants to gather stakeholders’ opinions on the key areas of the future EU-wide initiative on HPC that will support the development of the next generation of computing and data infrastructure in Europe.
High Performance Computing (HPC) has great potential for science, society and the economy in the European Union. Supercomputing can effectively address societal and scientific challenges such as personalised medicine, decoding the human brain, forecasting climate change or mitigating large-scale industrial and natural disasters. (see blog post by Vice-President Ansip on HPC).
Academia, the private sector, representatives of public institutions involved in HPC developments and users are invited to share their opinions on topics such as:
• Main challenges to the current state of HPC in Europe
• Added-value of EU coordinated action
• Main objectives of the EuroHPC initiative
• Set-up of the EuroHPC initiative (time-frame, participants and their role, responsibilities)
The results of the consultation will help define EuroHPC, the new EU legal and financial instrument that will implement the European HPC initiative. The initiative will help building a high-performance computing ecosystem to be based as far as possible on European technology, and ensure access to a world-class integrated supercomputing and data infrastructure.
Have your say on the future EU High Performance Computing Initiative
The European Commission has opened a consultation on the High Performance Computing Initiative in Europe. The Commission wants to gather stakeholders’ opinions on the key areas of the future EU-wide initiative on HPC that will support the development of the next generation of computing and data infrastructure in Europe.
High Performance Computing (HPC) has great potential for science, society and the economy in the European Union. Supercomputing can effectively address societal and scientific challenges such as personalised medicine, decoding the human brain, forecasting climate change or mitigating large-scale industrial and natural disasters. (see blog post by Vice-President Ansip on HPC).
Academia, the private sector, representatives of public institutions involved in HPC developments and users are invited to share their opinions on topics such as:
• Main challenges to the current state of HPC in Europe
• Added-value of EU coordinated action
• Main objectives of the EuroHPC initiative
• Set-up of the EuroHPC initiative (time-frame, participants and their role, responsibilities)
The results of the consultation will help define EuroHPC, the new EU legal and financial instrument that will implement the European HPC initiative. The initiative will help building a high-performance computing ecosystem to be based as far as possible on European technology, and ensure access to a world-class integrated supercomputing and data infrastructure.