EU-konsultasjon om felles infrastrukturprosjekter på energiområdet

EU-konsultasjon om felles infrastrukturprosjekter på energiområdet

List of projects submitted to be considered as potential Projects of Common Interest in energy infrastructure

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 21.6.2012 (frist 20.9.2012)

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BAKGRUNN (fra konsultasjonsnettside, engelsk utgave)

Objective of the consultation:

The energy infrastructure package, comprising:

• A proposal for a Regulation on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure [COM/2011/658], and
• A proposal for a Regulation on the Connecting Europe Facility covering Energy, Transport and Telecommunication infrastructure (2014-2020) [COM/2011/665] was published on 19 October 2011 and is currently under discussion in the European Parliament and the Council.

The draft Regulation identifies 12 priority corridors and areas, and defines a procedure and criteria for projects to become a Project of Common Interest (PCI). The Union-wide list of PCIs is proposed to be established for the first time in 2013 and then updated every two years. The identification of PCIs is based on a regional approach in line with the identified priority corridors. To this end, ad hoc working groups have been established to identify potential PCIs, each group covering one priority corridor as set out in Annex I of the draft Regulation.

Each ad hoc working group has been tasked to establish a draft regional list of PCIs by the end 2012. These PCIs will become part of first Union-wide PCI list, provided they fulfil the provisions of the adopted Regulation. The Union-wide list will be adapted, if necessary, in line with modifications to the draft Regulation as of April 2012. This preparatory process in 2012 is based on the engagement of all parties and is necessary to ensure rapid selection of PCIs once the Regulation has entered in to force, in view of regulatory measures and possible financing as early as 2014.

The objective of this consultation is to seek views on the list of all the projects that have been submitted to be considered by the ad hoc working groups as potential PCIs. The list is purely indicative and no assessment has been done on any of the projects. Stakeholders may also suggest projects to be added to, or removed from, the list. The input from this consultation will feed into the PCI evaluation process.

How the list has been compiled:

In the future, all potential PCIs will have to be in the ten-year network development plans (TYNDP) of the ENTSO for electricity and the ENTSO for gas. However, for the first Union-wide list of PCIs, the selection process will differ. For projects promoted by an established TSO and included in the latest TYNDP prepared by the ENTSO for electricity (2012) or for gas (2011), the TSOs have submitted project information directly to the relevant ad hoc working group. For projects not included in the latest TYNDPs for electricity and gas, the Commission coordinated a request for this same information on behalf of the working groups. This online request for information closed on 7 June.