EU-konsultasjon om havnetjenester

EU-konsultasjon om havnetjenester

Port services stakeholder consultation

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 21.6.2012 (frist 24.8.2012)


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding, engelsk utgave)

As part of its on-going review of European ports policy, the European Commission has launched an online questionnaire, open until September 2012:

The port sector has a significant potential for creating jobs and growth. Ports are crucial to sustaining an export-led economic recovery. With the new proposed approach for the Trans-European Transport Networks and the Connecting Europe Facility, the Commission is giving ports the priority they deserve. The results of the survey will be presented and discussed with Member States, the European Parliament and stakeholders at a high-level conference on European ports in Brussels on 25-26 September 2012. The objective of the ports policy review is to ensure that ports in Europe fully contribute to the recovery and long-term competitiveness of the European economy. Ports handle 40% of the internal market freight exchanges and up to 90% of EU international trade. The Commission intends to assist ports on their way to even higher efficiency: this will boost the performance of European industry, create more quality employment and ensure a stable environment for investment in ports.