EU-konsultasjon om multimodal ruteplanlegging og informasjonstjenester

EU-konsultasjon om multimodal ruteplanlegging og informasjonstjenester

Public Online Consultation on Enablers for European multimodal travel planning and information services

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 19.12.2012 (frist 12.3.2013)


BAKGRUNN (fra konsultasjonsnettsiden, engelsk utgave)

The consultation follows up on the work in the domain of multimodal journey planning and information services carried out under the ITS Action Plan (Action 1.5 Promotion of multimodal journey planners) and ITS Directive (priority action (a) provision of EU-wide multimodal information). It is also taking stock of the 1st Smart Mobility Challenges on multimodal journey planners and discussions held during the Informal Ministerial Meeting in Cyprus in July 2012. It seeks to gather stakeholders' opinion on a number of remaining challenges preventing the broad deployment of Multimodal Travel Planning and Information Services, and on a number of measures the European Commission is proposing to overcome them.