EU-prioriteringer for europeisk statistikk
Rådskonklusjoner om EU-statistikk
Council conclusions on EU-statistics
Rådskonklusjoner vedtatt 07.11.2014
BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding 07.11.2014, engelsk utgave, s. 10)
The Council adopted conclusions on EU statistics as part of an annual review of statistical governance.
EU policy frameworks rely increasingly on the timely provision of high quality socio-economic statistics. These play an important role in planning, decision-making and the monitoring of policy initiatives.
The Council conclusions highlight this. With reference to the EU's macroeconomic imbalances procedure and structural statistics, they welcome progress towards the modernisation of the European statistical system (ESS).
The conclusions also endorse an annual report from the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) on information requirements under EU economic and monetary union.
Since 2006, the EFC and the Economic Policy Committee have once a year taken stock of statistical needs to support the work of the Council. Modernisation of the ESS is underway since 2009.
The ESS a partnership between Eurostat, the EU's statistical authority, and national statistical institutes and other national authorities with responsibility for statistics. Its mission is to provide reliable and comparable statistics at EU level.
The text can be found in 13845/14.
The Council adopted conclusions on EU statistics as part of an annual review of statistical governance.
EU policy frameworks rely increasingly on the timely provision of high quality socio-economic statistics. These play an important role in planning, decision-making and the monitoring of policy initiatives.
The Council conclusions highlight this. With reference to the EU's macroeconomic imbalances procedure and structural statistics, they welcome progress towards the modernisation of the European statistical system (ESS).
The conclusions also endorse an annual report from the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) on information requirements under EU economic and monetary union.
Since 2006, the EFC and the Economic Policy Committee have once a year taken stock of statistical needs to support the work of the Council. Modernisation of the ESS is underway since 2009.
The ESS a partnership between Eurostat, the EU's statistical authority, and national statistical institutes and other national authorities with responsibility for statistics. Its mission is to provide reliable and comparable statistics at EU level.
The text can be found in 13845/14.