EU-prioriteringer for kulturarbeidet 2011-2014
Arbeidsplan for kultur 2011-2014. Konklusjoner vedtatt av Rådet og av representanter for EUs medlemsland
Rapport om gjennomføring av arbeidsplanen lagt fram av Kommisjonen 25.08.2014
Kommisjonen la 25. august 2014 fram en rapport om gjennomføringen av arbeidsplanen for kultur 2011-2014 som EUs ministerråd vedtok 18. november 2010. Arbeidsplanen inneholdt seks prioriterte områråder: a) kulturmangfold, interkulturell dialog og en tilgjengelig og inkluderende kultur, b) kultur- og kreative industrier, c) ferdigheter og mobilitet, d) kulturarv, inkludert mobilitet av samlinger, e) kultur i utenrikssammenheng og f) kulturstatistikk.
BAKGRUNN (fra rådskonklusjonene, engelsk utgave)
1. Recalling the objectives assigned to the European Union in the field of culture by Article 167 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
2. Recalling the Resolution of the Council of 16 November 2007 on a European Agenda for Culture and its strategic objectives, namely the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, the promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon strategy for growth, employment, innovation and competitiveness, and the promotion of culture as a vital element in the Union's international relations;
3. Having regard to the Commission Report of 19 July 2010 on the implementation of the European Agenda for Culture and the accompanying Staff Working Document;
4. Convinced that culture can contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Europe 2020, a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
5. Considering that the Council Work Plan for Culture 2008-2010, in particular through its use of the open method of coordination (OMC), constituted a new and important stage in the development of Member State cooperation on culture, improving the coherence and visibility of European action in this field, while underlining the horizontal role of culture;
6. Taking note of the results of the work carried out in the framework of the Council Work Plan for Culture 2008-2010 and notably the identification and sharing of good practices by the working groups established by the Member States as well as the recommendations of these groups;
7. Sharing the view that the work plan in Annex I should draw on this work and the resulting recommendations and cover a period of four years, allowing for a mid-term review,
- To adopt, with due regard for the principle of subsidiarity, the Work Plan 2011-2014 as set out in Annex I as well as the principles relating to the setting up and functioning of the working groups established by the Member States as set out in Annex II,
- To establish working groups composed of experts nominated by the Member States on the basis of the principles and mandates defined in Annexes I and II and to follow their work,
- To pursue the priority areas of the Work Plan as set out in Annex I :
• Priority area A: Cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and accessible and inclusive culture;
• Priority area B: Cultural and Creative Industries;
• Priority area C: Skills and mobility;
• Priority area D: Cultural heritage, including mobility of collections;
• Priority area E: Culture in External Relations;
• Priority area F: Culture Statistics.
These priority areas will focus on the achievement of concrete and useable results, in particular as regards the working groups.
- regularly consult and inform the stakeholders on the progress of the Work Plan, the results achieved and the implementation of the recommendations of the working groups in order to ensure the relevance and visibility of the activities,
- undertake a mid-term review of the implementation of the Work Plan with a view to possible adaptations or reorientation in the light of results achieved and policy developments at EU level,
- update the Member States on initiatives in other policy areas of the Commission and/or the Council impacting on culture,
- take into account, in the context of the trio Presidency, the Work Plan priorities when developing their programme, to report on the implementation of the Work Plan and to build upon the results achieved,
- in particular, organise, when appropriate:
a meeting of senior officials of Ministries of Culture with a view to discussing and taking up the results obtained in the Work Plan,
a joint informal meeting of senior officials of Ministries of Culture and senior officials responsible for culture in Ministries of Foreign Affairs, with a view to developing a strategic approach to culture in external relations and enhancing cooperation in this field, - consider organising, in the context of the implementation of the Work Plan, meetings of senior officials of Ministries of Culture and senior officials from other policy domains, INVITE THE COMMISSION TO :
- regularly inform, on the one hand, the Member States of the work of the civil society structured dialogue platforms and, on the other, inform these platforms of the work carried out in the context of the Work Plan,
- organise an annual meeting with candidate countries, members of the European Free Trade Association and other countries participating in the Culture programme, in order to inform them of the work carried out in the context of the Work Plan and to allow a discussion with Member States, the chairs of the working groups and the Commission,
- adopt, before the end of the first half of 2014 and on the basis of voluntary contributions from Member States, a final report on the implementation and relevance of the Work Plan. This report will be the basis for the preparation of the next Work Plan during the second half of
The intention of the Commission to support Member States' actions in implementing the Work Plan as set out in Annex I.
1. Recalling the objectives assigned to the European Union in the field of culture by Article 167 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
2. Recalling the Resolution of the Council of 16 November 2007 on a European Agenda for Culture and its strategic objectives, namely the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, the promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon strategy for growth, employment, innovation and competitiveness, and the promotion of culture as a vital element in the Union's international relations;
3. Having regard to the Commission Report of 19 July 2010 on the implementation of the European Agenda for Culture and the accompanying Staff Working Document;
4. Convinced that culture can contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Europe 2020, a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
5. Considering that the Council Work Plan for Culture 2008-2010, in particular through its use of the open method of coordination (OMC), constituted a new and important stage in the development of Member State cooperation on culture, improving the coherence and visibility of European action in this field, while underlining the horizontal role of culture;
6. Taking note of the results of the work carried out in the framework of the Council Work Plan for Culture 2008-2010 and notably the identification and sharing of good practices by the working groups established by the Member States as well as the recommendations of these groups;
7. Sharing the view that the work plan in Annex I should draw on this work and the resulting recommendations and cover a period of four years, allowing for a mid-term review,
- To adopt, with due regard for the principle of subsidiarity, the Work Plan 2011-2014 as set out in Annex I as well as the principles relating to the setting up and functioning of the working groups established by the Member States as set out in Annex II,
- To establish working groups composed of experts nominated by the Member States on the basis of the principles and mandates defined in Annexes I and II and to follow their work,
- To pursue the priority areas of the Work Plan as set out in Annex I :
• Priority area A: Cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and accessible and inclusive culture;
• Priority area B: Cultural and Creative Industries;
• Priority area C: Skills and mobility;
• Priority area D: Cultural heritage, including mobility of collections;
• Priority area E: Culture in External Relations;
• Priority area F: Culture Statistics.
These priority areas will focus on the achievement of concrete and useable results, in particular as regards the working groups.
- regularly consult and inform the stakeholders on the progress of the Work Plan, the results achieved and the implementation of the recommendations of the working groups in order to ensure the relevance and visibility of the activities,
- undertake a mid-term review of the implementation of the Work Plan with a view to possible adaptations or reorientation in the light of results achieved and policy developments at EU level,
- update the Member States on initiatives in other policy areas of the Commission and/or the Council impacting on culture,
- take into account, in the context of the trio Presidency, the Work Plan priorities when developing their programme, to report on the implementation of the Work Plan and to build upon the results achieved,
- in particular, organise, when appropriate:
a meeting of senior officials of Ministries of Culture with a view to discussing and taking up the results obtained in the Work Plan,
a joint informal meeting of senior officials of Ministries of Culture and senior officials responsible for culture in Ministries of Foreign Affairs, with a view to developing a strategic approach to culture in external relations and enhancing cooperation in this field, - consider organising, in the context of the implementation of the Work Plan, meetings of senior officials of Ministries of Culture and senior officials from other policy domains, INVITE THE COMMISSION TO :
- regularly inform, on the one hand, the Member States of the work of the civil society structured dialogue platforms and, on the other, inform these platforms of the work carried out in the context of the Work Plan,
- organise an annual meeting with candidate countries, members of the European Free Trade Association and other countries participating in the Culture programme, in order to inform them of the work carried out in the context of the Work Plan and to allow a discussion with Member States, the chairs of the working groups and the Commission,
- adopt, before the end of the first half of 2014 and on the basis of voluntary contributions from Member States, a final report on the implementation and relevance of the Work Plan. This report will be the basis for the preparation of the next Work Plan during the second half of
The intention of the Commission to support Member States' actions in implementing the Work Plan as set out in Annex I.