EU-strategi for mer effektiv retur av tredjelandsborgere med ulovlig opphold

EU-strategi for mer effektiv retur av tredjelandsborgere med ulovlig opphold

Politikkdokument fra Kommisjonen. Mot en operasjonell strategi for mer effektiv retur
Policy Document from the Commission. Towards an operational strategy for more effective returns

Politikkdokument lagt fram av Kommisjonen 24.1.2023


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 24.1.2023)

Migration management: New operational strategy for more effective returns

Today, the Commission proposed an operational strategy for more effective returns. Its key objective is to increase the overall numbers of effective returns, through swift implementation, in line with EU law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The strategy covers four focus areas: targeted actions on immediate needs including joint return operations in defined third countries; accelerating the return process; promoting return counselling and reintegration; and the digitalisation of return management. A press point with Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson and the EU Return Coordinator, Mari Juritsch, will take place today at 13:15 CET. This strategy will contribute to discussions at the Informal Justice and Home Affairs Council later this week.

An effective and common EU system for returns is a central pillar of well-functioning and credible migration and asylum systems, as well as of the comprehensive approach of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. An effective and common EU system for returns should also serve as a deterrent to help reduce unsafe and irregular migration. To enhance their take-up among those having to leave the EU, the Commission adopted a new Strategy on voluntary returns and reintegration in 2021. The appointment of the EU Return Coordinator within the Commission, bringing together the strands of EU return policy and supported by a High-Level Network for Return, is one of the key innovations of the Pact to achieve its overall objectives. The Return Coordinator and the High-Level Network for Returns will shortly finalise the operational strategy and ensure its implementation.