EU-strategi for vekst og gjenoppretting av europeisk industri og økonomi
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. En sterkere europeisk industri for vekst og økonomisk gjenoppretting
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery
Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 11.10.2012
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 11.10.2012, engelsk utgave)
Industry Communication - Lack of confidence triggers lack of investment
The communication is calling for short term focussed investment in key industry sectors with high growth prospects.
Market uncertainty, financing problems, lack of demand and skills shortages triggered lack of confidence which in turn triggered lack of investment and job losses in industry.
Pillars of the reinforced industrial policy are:
Investments in innovation - providing the right framework conditions for investments, to rapidly return to pre-crisis levels, with a focus on six priority areas, with enormous potential for growth and jobs in Europe: advanced manufacturing technologies for clean production, sustainable industrial and construction policy and raw materials, clean vehicles, bio-based products, key enabling technologies, and smart grids. Member States as well should play their part and should prioritise investments in these six areas.
Better market conditions – improvements in the functioning of the Internal Market and opening up international markets. The Commission will concentrate on selected themes where significant improvement can be achieved quickly: improving the Internal Market for goods, fostering entrepreneurship with regards to the digital single market which is expected to grow by 10% a year up to 2016, protecting intellectual property rights and further promoting the internationalisation of EU SMES around the world, reaching 25% (from 13%) in the medium term.
Access to finance and capitals – to improve lending to the real economy by better mobilising and targeting public resources, including those of the EIB – which should allocate between EUR 10 and 15 billion in additional lending for SMEs - and of the Structural Funds, and by unlocking private funds through the elimination of remaining obstacles for venture capital funds and the facilitation of cross-border operations by smaller companies.
Human capital and skills – equipping labour force for industrial transformations, notably by better anticipating skills needs and mismatches. In this area, the Commission will in particular further promote cooperation of employers, workers and relevant authorities through the creation of European Sector Skills Councils and of Knowledge and Sectors Skills Alliances.
More information:
• See press memo
• Industry communication
Industry Communication - Lack of confidence triggers lack of investment
The communication is calling for short term focussed investment in key industry sectors with high growth prospects.
Market uncertainty, financing problems, lack of demand and skills shortages triggered lack of confidence which in turn triggered lack of investment and job losses in industry.
Pillars of the reinforced industrial policy are:
Investments in innovation - providing the right framework conditions for investments, to rapidly return to pre-crisis levels, with a focus on six priority areas, with enormous potential for growth and jobs in Europe: advanced manufacturing technologies for clean production, sustainable industrial and construction policy and raw materials, clean vehicles, bio-based products, key enabling technologies, and smart grids. Member States as well should play their part and should prioritise investments in these six areas.
Better market conditions – improvements in the functioning of the Internal Market and opening up international markets. The Commission will concentrate on selected themes where significant improvement can be achieved quickly: improving the Internal Market for goods, fostering entrepreneurship with regards to the digital single market which is expected to grow by 10% a year up to 2016, protecting intellectual property rights and further promoting the internationalisation of EU SMES around the world, reaching 25% (from 13%) in the medium term.
Access to finance and capitals – to improve lending to the real economy by better mobilising and targeting public resources, including those of the EIB – which should allocate between EUR 10 and 15 billion in additional lending for SMEs - and of the Structural Funds, and by unlocking private funds through the elimination of remaining obstacles for venture capital funds and the facilitation of cross-border operations by smaller companies.
Human capital and skills – equipping labour force for industrial transformations, notably by better anticipating skills needs and mismatches. In this area, the Commission will in particular further promote cooperation of employers, workers and relevant authorities through the creation of European Sector Skills Councils and of Knowledge and Sectors Skills Alliances.
More information:
• See press memo
• Industry communication