Europakommisjonens arbeidsprogram 2010

Europakommisjonens arbeidsprogram 2010

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. Kommisjonens arbeidsprogram 2010: tid for handling

Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 31.3.2010


BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)

Introduction: A New Area
2010 marks the beginning of a new era for the European Union.

The crisis hit hard: communities, citizens and businesses across Europe were put under huge pressure. European solidarity was put to a test. The European Union recognised its interdependence and pulled together to face up to the crisis: now it must show the same resolution and unity for the future.

"Business as usual" is not an option. The challenges facing our Union are greater than before the recession. Our room for manoeuvre is more limited and the rest of the world is not standing still. We must draw the lessons and reshape our policies.

A clear lesson from the crisis is that Europe can succeed provided it acts collectively, as a Union. Europe has no other option but to tackle the immediate challenge of the crisis and to face up to long-term challenges such as globalisation, climate action, ageing, so as to make up for the recent losses, regain competitiveness and put the EU on an upward path of sustainable growth.

With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the election of a new European Parliament and the appointment of a new College of Commissioners, the EU is equipped with the necessary tools.

It is now a matter of political will: the European Commission is ready to take up the challenge. The political guidelines set out by President Barroso in September 2009 sparked a debate about the direction Europe should take and the concrete measures it should promote. The hearings in the European Parliament and the subsequent vote of consent were a true moment of European democracy, highlighting shared values and securing broad ownership of future EU initiatives. Close exchange with the European Council and other EU institutions has also helped to build a consensus about the way forward.

The new Commission will take action along four main strands:
• Tackling the crisis and sustaining Europe’s social market economy.
• Building a citizens’ agenda which puts people at the heart of European action.
• Developing an ambitious and coherent external agenda with global outreach.
• Modernising EU instruments and ways of working.

The focus of this first Work Programme is on delivering strategic initiatives in 2010. It also highlights in a non-exhaustive way initiatives under consideration for the coming years, thereby combining predictability for the European Parliament and the Council - as well as for stakeholders - and the necessary flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. These initiatives are both designed to respond to immediate challenges and yield effects rapidly, and to shape Europe's future for the long-term benefit of its citizens. In taking them forward, the Commission will set a direction for the EU in the next decade, as highlighted by its Europe 2020 strategy and the work under way to prepare the future EU budget.