Europeisk innovasjonspartnerskap om aktiv og sunn aldring
Strategic Implementation Plan for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging
Gjennomføringsrapport lagt fram av Kommisjonen 29.2.2012
BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding 9.3.2011, engelsk utgave)
European Innovation Partnership on "Active and healthy ageing"
The Council adopted conclusions on the preparations for the launch of a pilot European Innovation Partnership on "Active and healthy ageing".
European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs), as part of the Innovation Union flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 strategy, lay down on a new approach to European research and innovation intended to tackle common societal challenges. EIPs should bring together all relevant actors at EU, national and regional levels, across policy areas and industrial sectors, in order to:
(i) step up research and development efforts;
(ii) coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots;
(iii) anticipate any necessary regulation and standards; and
(iv) mobilise demand, in particular through better coordinated public procurement to ensure that innovative products are quickly brought to market.
Active and healthy ageing was identified as a major societal challenge for the future.
The overarching goal of the partnership is to increase the average life expectancy for Europeans by 2020, while ensuring that people can also live healthier and more active.
The launch of an EIP on active and healthy ageing as a pilot case will allow to test the performance of this new concept for possible future EIPs.
European Innovation Partnership on "Active and healthy ageing"
The Council adopted conclusions on the preparations for the launch of a pilot European Innovation Partnership on "Active and healthy ageing".
European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs), as part of the Innovation Union flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 strategy, lay down on a new approach to European research and innovation intended to tackle common societal challenges. EIPs should bring together all relevant actors at EU, national and regional levels, across policy areas and industrial sectors, in order to:
(i) step up research and development efforts;
(ii) coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots;
(iii) anticipate any necessary regulation and standards; and
(iv) mobilise demand, in particular through better coordinated public procurement to ensure that innovative products are quickly brought to market.
Active and healthy ageing was identified as a major societal challenge for the future.
The overarching goal of the partnership is to increase the average life expectancy for Europeans by 2020, while ensuring that people can also live healthier and more active.
The launch of an EIP on active and healthy ageing as a pilot case will allow to test the performance of this new concept for possible future EIPs.