EUs årsrapport 2024

EUs årsrapport 2024

EU i 2024. Rapport om aktivitetene i EU

The EU in 2024. General report on the activities of the European Union

Årsrapport med pressemelding (sak nr. 2) lagt fram av Kommisjonen 12.3.2025


(fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 12.3.2025)

Commission publishes the General Report 2024 highlighting EU's action for citizens and businesses in the face of geopolitical challenges

The Commission published the 2024 edition of the General Report on the activities of the EU. The report, prepared in line with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, presents the key achievements of the EU in 2024 in delivering for EU citizens, while addressing new and unprecedented challenges in an increasingly fractured geopolitical environment.

The EU remained steadfast in providing political, financial, humanitarian and military support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, as Russia continued its brutal and illegal war of aggression. The EU continued to impose a heavy toll on Russia through its unprecedented sanctions limiting Russia' ability to finance its war. The report also shows how the REPowerEU plan helped reduce the EU's dependency on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the clean-energy transition. The EU stepped up action to enhance the competitiveness of its economy both through the Single Market and globally through enhanced economic foreign policy. And it stayed the course of the ambitious agenda for clean, digital, sustainable and inclusive growth and prosperity.

In 2024, the EU continued to boost its security, defence and preparedness, thanks to the adoption of its first-ever European Defence Industrial Strategy, as well as strengthening its readiness to cope with future crises. Last year also marked an important step forward in the area of migration with the adoption of the Pact on Migration and Asylum, a set of new rules based on the principles responsibility and solidarity. The EU also continued to invest in strengthening global partnerships. 2024 was also a year of institutional transition with the European elections and the election of the new Commission, led by President von der Leyen

The report is available in all official languages of the EU as a fully illustrated book and an online version.