EUs statistiske årbok 2010

EUs statistiske årbok 2010

Europe in figures - Eurostat yearbook 2010

Årbok utgitt av Europakommisjonen (Eurostat) 9.9.2010


BAKGRUNN (utdrag av Eurostats pressemelding 9.9.2010, engelsk utgave)

Europe in figures – Eurostat yearbook 2010
More than 500 statistical tables on the EU

How have the changes in our society affected marriage rates and the proportion of births outside marriage over the last twenty years? How much does government spend as a proportion of GDP, and how is this spending split between social protection, health and education? What are the recent developments in lifelong learning? The answers to these questions and to many more can be found in the 14th edition of the Eurostat yearbook1, published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Europe in figures – Eurostat yearbook 2010 presents a comprehensive selection of the available statistical data at Eurostat, together with explanatory text. The yearbook may be viewed as an introduction to EU statistics and provides guidance to the vast range of data freely available from the Eurostat website2 and its online databases. There are linked data codes below each table in the PDF version of the publication, leading directly to the relevant tables on the website. The yearbook shows how key indicators have developed in the EU27, the euro area and the Member States. Data for the Candidate countries, the EFTA countries, the US and Japan are also included when available.

The 2010 yearbook has fourteen main chapters on different statistical areas. The first chapter puts national accounts in the spotlight. The other chapters cover all major statistical domains: economy, population, health, education, labour market, living conditions and welfare, industry and services, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, trade, transport, environment and energy, science and technology and Europe's regions. An annex contains details of the nomenclatures used.